Movies: MCU Movie Challenge

Hi there, bookworms and dragons! I’ve been talking about making some changes to my blog for a few months now. Adding movie related content is one of the changes I’m considering making. (Is this something you’re interested in seeing here? Let me know in the comments! 😊)

I realized recently that I haven’t watched most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies, so I’m challenging myself to watch all existing MCU movies by the end of summer. 22 September 2020 is when summer will “officially” end so we’ll go with that for the official challenge end date. I’m planning to watch them in chronological order so I’ll list them below. I’d love for you to join me in this challenge!

I’m not going to give each movie its own full review post because I’m still not 100% sure this is something I want to do on this blog regularly. For now, I’ll add a “Movies Watched” section to my monthly wrap ups. I also use Letterboxd (it’s kind of like Goodreads but for movies) so you can see my progress/thoughts/reviews on the movies in this challenge (or whatever other movies I’m watching) there. I’ll try to remember to update this post and my wrap ups with the appropriate Letterboxd links and a rating.

A quick note before we dive into the list… I intentionally didn’t include any MCU movies that won’t be released before I’m hoping to finish watching this already massive list of movies.

Without further ado, the list of MCU Movies in chronological order is:

Have you seen any or all of the MCU movies? What are your thoughts on them? Are you up for taking the MCU movie challenge with me? Happy reading (and watching)!