Blog Tour: A Void the Size of the World by Rachele Alpine

I’m really happy to be able to participate in the blog tour for A Void the Size of the World! The first thing that really drew me in about this book and made me realize that I had to be part of this blog tour was the book and what it’s about. So, what’s it about?


Goodreads Synopsis:

A haunting novel about a girl who must face the consequences after her actions indirectly lead to her sister’s disappearance.

Rhylee didn’t mean to kiss her sister’s boyfriend. At least, not the first time. But it doesn’t matter, because her sister, Abby, caught them together, ran into the dark woods behind their house…and never came home.

As evidence mounts that something terrible has happened to Abby, no one wants to face the truth. Rhylee can’t bring herself to admit what she’s done: that she is the reason her sister ran away. Now Tommy, Abby’s boyfriend, is the prime suspect in her disappearance, and Rhylee’s world has been turned upside down. Slowly, Rhylee’s family is breaking–their lives center on the hope that Abby will return. Rhylee knows they need to face the truth and begin healing–but how can they, when moving on feels like a betrayal? Ad how do you face the guilt of wishing a person gone…when they actually disappear?

A Void the Size of the World Cover Art

Now I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a suspenseful bit of awesomeness to me. Also, take a moment to enjoy that cover because I know I am.

Today on Vicarious Bookworm we also have the special treat of having Rachele Alpine here and she’s going to answer a few questions for us! Thank you so much for coming by, Rachele!


What first inspired you to write Rhylee and Abby’s story?

This started as a short story called “Circles Within Circles” for the MFA program I was in. It was maybe around fifteen pages, but after I workshopped and revised it, the characters would not get out of my mind. I thought about them for years and what really happened between these two sisters. I began to explore the spaces in between the lines I had written and slowly the book emerged from that.


Wow so this book has been a long time in the making! What was your favorite part of your writing process for A Void the Size of the World?

I loved exploring the relationship with these sisters. Because the book started as a short story, the dialogue and pacing had to be tight, so turning this into a novel gave me the freedom to dive deep down into who these two girls were. I found myself discovering things about each of them as the plot moved forward, and it was a lot of fun being surprised by characters who you thought you already knew. I also think the bond between sisters is so strong and unique. My own sister is a year younger than me and we’re very close, so I loved examining the dynamics of these two girls and what it means to be a sister.


That’s one of my favorite parts of writing too! Because of that, I feel like the authors who really explore who their characters are inspire me most. What authors have inspired or influenced you most?

I love authors like Laurie Halse Anderson, Courtney Summers, and Nicola Yoon. They tackle a lot of important topics and tend to push the structure of narratives and how you tell a story. I also love the language of Curtis Sittenfeld and Jandy Nelson. Their words are so beautiful, and I could read their books over and over again just to hear the sound of their sentences.


Those are definitely some inspirational authors. Getting back to the novel itself, what is one thing you know now that you wish you’d known before you started working on A Void the Size of the World?

That this book would find a home with a publisher and editor I loved. I worked on this book for so long and there were definitely moments of doubt and struggle as I tried to get it right. It’s not easier turning a short story into a novel, and there were a lot of times when I wasn’t confident about my writing and the story I was telling. It would have been great to know that I would be able to figure it out, love the way it turned out, and find an awesome home for it!


That definitely would have been something nice to already know! Now that your story has found such an amazing home and will soon be released to readers everywhere, is there an indie bookstore where readers might find or order signed copies of A Void the Size of the World?

Yes! It should hopefully be at all the indie bookstores, and if it isn’t, just ask and I’m sure they’ll order it. As for signed copies, I’m happy to send signed bookmarks and bookplates to put inside the books. Just send me an e-mail at requesting one!


That is so kind of you! I don’t want to use up too much of your time and I know you have other tour stops to get to. Thank you so much for stopping by!


This book was released on July 4th so it’s already available in stores! You can get your hands on a copy from:


About the Author

Rachele AlpineRachele Alpine is a love of binge watching reality TV, dogs, knitting, gummy peaches, and lots and lots of coffee!

One of her first jobs was at a library, but it didn’t last long, because all she did was hide in the third-floor stacks and read. Now she’s a little more careful about when and where she indulges her reading habit.

By day she’s a high school English teacher, by night she’s a mom and wife, and she writes during any time she can find in between!

Rachele lives with her husband and son in Cleveland, Ohio, but dreams of moving back to Boston, the city she fell in love with while attending graduate school there.

You can find more information about Rachele Alpine and her work on her website.


I know you all remember that giveaway I mentioned back at the beginning. You could win a finished copy of A Void the Size of the World by Rachele Alpine! Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want more chances to win? Follow the blog tour! You can find the full schedule of stops here!


Thank you so much to Rachele Alpine for writing this intriguing novel and for stopping by the Vicarious Bookworm today. You’re such a rockstar!

And a big thank you to the Fantastic Flying Book Club for allowing me the privilege of participating in this blog tour!

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