​The Book Blogger Hop 2017 #11

I am so excited to answer this week’s question (partly because this week’s question was suggested by me and partly because it’s an awesome question)! The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly Hop that is hosted by Billy @ Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer. Weekly prompts are given in the form of Blogger submitted (G-rated) questions. 

Do you read a lot of diverse or ownvoices books? Why or why not?

Most of the books I read now are diverse books and quite a few are ownvoices. I do pick up non-diverse books still but I’m less likely to go out of my way for them. Overall, I enjoy diverse books more because they better reflect the community I live in as well as myself. Plus, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed savior bit is a little overdone, no?

Another (more important) reason I read diverse and ownvoices books is because I’m not the well-represented cishet able white girl. I’m in the LGBT+ community, though I’m still figuring out where I belong there because, growing up, the only terms I had available to me were gay, lesbian, and queer, which was always spit out like it was meant to be poisonous. I have bipolar disorder and severe anxiety. I’m not a Christian.

I did not see myself positively represented at all until I was 19 years old and picked up a copy of Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey. 7 has ADHD and anxiety. He had never seen himself positively represented until last week when we watched Percy Jackson (we usually read first but…long story) and HUGE thanks to Rick Riordan for writing that because OMG the look on 7’s face when someone “like him” saved the world just….nothing will ever be better than that. So, naturally, I want as much positive representation in media as possible. Since we read quite a lot in my household, that means I support a lot of diverse books.

Do you read many diverse or ownvoices books?

10 thoughts on “​The Book Blogger Hop 2017 #11

  1. I’m trying to read more diversely myself, and like you, am also a part of the LGBT community. I am always on the lookout for more diverse book recommendations, so if you have any favorites, especially LGBTQ+, please throw them my way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh there are so many now. Non-LGBTQ+ definitely pick up The Hate U Give because it’s just brilliant. It’ll be hard to knock it out of my fave book for the year.

      LGBT+ rep… top 4 for me at the moment are probably the Six of Crows Duology (homosexual and bisexual rep), Noteworthy (homosexual and bisexual rep), Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (homosexual rep), and If I Was Your Girl (trans and bisexual rep).

      I also hear great things about Every Heart A Doorway, but I haven’t read that yet. I’ve been in a review writing slump lately :/ Hopefully I’ll catch up soon! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much! I’ve read Six of Crows, but have Noteworthy on NetGalley and haven’t gotten to it just yet. I also wanna read The Hate U Give and Every Heart a Doorway. Juliet Takes a Breath is another on my NetGalley shelf. It’s POC plus LGBT! Woo!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ooo thanks! I haven’t read Juliet Takes A Breath yet either. I’m have to add it to my TBR. Noteworthy also has Asian American rep. Plus, A cappella, which is awesome by itself.

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      • That’s awesome. I should be reading Noteworthy in the next few days. Yay!


  2. I’ve always been kind of wonky — I like information with my entertainment. I used to be partial to SFF, which has way too much Anglo-based, tired magic, plus sexism, and I switched to more history and biographies. But now there’s NK Jemisin and DJ Older, so I’m back to SFF and loving their worlds. (I did like Kushiel’s Dart, even if the white angel people were a smudge problematic.)


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