Opening Chapter 11: November 2020 To Read, To Watch, & To Do

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! I (finally) closed up last month so let’s have a look at what the rest of November will (hopefully) hold.

To Read

I am actually going to give myself a bit of a break and not list what I’m hoping to read this month. Between school and everything else, I just don’t want to stress over it. I’ll read what I read and that will be included in my wrap up at the end of this month.

To Watch

I really have no idea what I’ll watch this month, but as I have a DVD checked out from the library right now I figure I can put that on the list and hope something happens with it.

To Do

  • Work. I’d like to not die or burn out while still also being able to pay my bills. This is where we are now. Because 2020.
  • School. I’m really hoping to get ahead a little bit so that I can take a few days and actually rest with them but…. we’ll see what happens.
  • Pack. I am actually writing this post while on a break from packing so… yay me! The place I’m planning to move to should be ready later this month? I think? Maybe? But I really want to be ready to go when the time comes so I took a couple days off work with the special intention of packing as much as humanly possible. Day 1 so far has proven to be a productive one. Keep your fingers crossed my mental illnesses don’t jump out tomorrow because I’d love to actually get this done for once.

Well, that’s it for now, bookworms and dragons. Stay safe and stay healthy. πŸ–€

Closing Chapter 10: October 2020 Wrap Up

Hello there, bookworms and dragons! I know. I know! It’s near half into November. I’ve been excessively busy because Reasons but I’m here now. Let’s wrap up last month, shall we? πŸ˜‰

Books I Read

I honestly don’t remember all that much reading wise from October because my brain has far too much occupying it but here’s what Goodreads says I read. πŸ™‚

  • The Bear by Andrew Krivak πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
  • The Lost Book of the White by Cassandra Clare πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

Movies I Watched

I certainly didn’t do as much movie watching as I’d hoped to, but I did still watch a few good ones.

  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 (I actually watched this twice. Oops!)
  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019) 🍿🍿🍿½
  • Little Women (2019) 🍿🍿🍿🍿
  • Coco (2017) 🍿🍿🍿🍿
  • Hocus Pocus (1993) 🍿🍿🍿🍿
  • It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966) 🍿🍿🍿½
  • Float (2019) 🍿🍿🍿½

Other Things I Did

WORK. A lot. It’s a bit exhausting because The General Public and Florida but I’m hoping not to burn out as hard as it seems like I’m going to. We shall see…..

SCHOOL. I’m getting closer to the end of the semester. I did a LOT of reading and writing and existing and I honestly don’t remember all too much of it but hopefully I’ve learned a bit.

Language Learning. I did a little but honestly I haven’t been intentionally setting aside time for it like I was before.

That’s all that I can think of just now. Happy reading, bookworms and dragons. πŸ–€

Opening Chapter 10: October 2020 To Read, To Watch, & To Do

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! Happy October!!!! This is my favorite month of the year! It doesn’t really get cold here (Florida’s seasons include warm, hot, and surface of the sun.) but I love all of the spiced foods and all things Halloween. πŸŽƒ I’m super excited to find what this month holds, so let’s dive right in and get it started!!

To Read

Same as with the other months, I’m going to keep my TBR short and sweet. Aside from textbooks, I’ll only be consuming audiobooks this month because academic guilt.

To Watch

I don’t think I’ll probably watch many movies this month because of the ongoing theme of academic guilt in my life, but there are a couple I’d really like to watch so I’ll list them here. πŸ™‚

To Do

  • School. I’d just like to pass at this point. I’m going to attempt to put my perfectionism on pause and just accept whatever I’m capable of doing. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that because it would be pretty amazing to be able to say I had straight As through graduate school but also I’d like to not have a mental breakdown. It’s a fine line.
  • Language Learning. I’m putting this on hold for now for a couple of reasons. There aren’t any listening resources that I have found for people learning Ilocano who don’t already speak Tagalog, so it has to be studied in a period of time dedicated just to it and… I have no free time right now. As far as Japanese… First, because the audio program I’m using for the bulk of my Japanese learning is through the library and I have to wait for it to become available again. Sharing is not my favorite, but it’s better than spending that much money to have it for myself. Second, because I was listening to it while driving and I noticed my mental health slipping a bit because I sued to use that time to listen to audiobooks. I’ve started listening to audiobooks again and my mental health has improved. Only slightly, but I have to take what I can get. So, for now, there is no time available for studying.
  • Pack. As I’m hopefully going to be able to move into my new place in a few weeks, it would be nice if my stuff was all packed up and ready to go, right? Right. I need to work on this.
  • Self Care. Is this a thing? I need for this to be a thing. I have no idea what self care even looks like so I’m hoping to figure it out and start doing the things.
  • Halloween. Of course. πŸŽƒ

Well, that’s it for now, bookworms and dragons. Stay safe and stay healthy. πŸ–€

Closing Chapter 9: September 2020 Wrap Up

Hello there, bookworms and dragons! Here we are in the season of scarves and pumpkin spice and spookiness. October is one of my favorite months so let’s wrap up September so I can jump into October with both feet! πŸ™‚

Books I Read

Between work and school, I did not do very much reading. What I did read, I managed to write a full review for so… There’s at least that, right?

Movies I Watched

Similar to my lack of time for reading, I had almost no time for movies. I watched a few with the monsters on Saturday nights, but for the most part I haven’t watched anything. Luckily, the ones I have watched have been good.

Other Things I Did

WORK. I’m not really loving my job right now but I constantly remember how lucky I am that I even still have a job at this point. A lot of my dislike of it is situational caused by forces outside of the library so I’m hoping that the situation outside the library will shift so that the situation inside the library can improve.

SCHOOL. I constantly feel like I’m behind. Even writing this post, I feel guilt over not working on my projects for classes. I’m anxiously looking forward to next semester, which (fingers crossed!!) will be my last before graduation.

HOME. I’m finally moving! The place I found needs some repair work from the previous tenant but once it’s ready, I get to move. I am SO EXCITED!!

That’s all that my academic guilt will allow me to think of just now. Happy reading, bookworms and dragons. πŸ–€

ARC Review: The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! I loved The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi SO MUCH that when I heard the sequel, The Silvered Serpents, was available on NetGalley I knew I had to request it. When I was approved, I involuntarily screamed and flailed a bit. It was great. It did take me a bit of time to read the book though, simply because I had already started my semester so I read as much as possible during what I’ve started referring to as “stolen time.”

I didn’t note down any trigger or content warnings while reading this one, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t there. If you’ve read The Silvered Serpents and noticed something that might need a trigger or content warning, please let me know in the comments or anonymously via this form. Without further ado, let’s jump right into this review!

The characters I got to know and love while reading The Gilded Wolves are all back, but they’ve grown and changed so much that for some of them reading The Silvered Serpents was like getting to know them for the first time all over again. Each of the returning characters still receive beautiful development throughout this story. I especially enjoyed getting to know a bit more about Delphine’s character and past. There are also a few new characters that joined the cast in The Silvered Serpents who are each developed beautifully. Each of the characters’ story arcs wind seamlessly and beautifully into each other and the development of each of them is masterfully done.

The rules of the world in which this series takes place was built up beautifully in The Gilded Wolves, so it wasn’t surprising not to see any building up of the world itself in The Silvered Serpents. Instead, the world building is put into the new possibilities and locations explored through the story. Roshani Chokshi is masterful in her world building and this book was no exception. She manages to build up the world in the reader’s mind piece by piece without being info-dumpy at all, allowing for a smooth and fully immersive experience.

The Silvered Serpents picks up shortly after The Gilded Wolves left off. There is no explanation at the beginning of the book before the story begins its first arc as I have seen the second book in some other series do and I really enjoyed that about it. No space in the story is left for explaining the previous events of the series beyond the major events that are still weighing on some of the characters. While some of the story flows smoothly, following my expectations while I was reading, there were some parts of the story that left me surprised–both pleasantly and unpleasantly. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout the story, some meant for the reader and some meant for the characters, and each of them build on each other beautifully. The only complaint I could possibly have is HOLY CLIFFHANGER, BATMAN!

Roshani Chokshi has definitely maintained her status as an auto-purchase author with The Silvered Serpents. Even so, I had a lot of trouble deciding what rating to give this book. In the end, I decided to wait until after I finished writing and editing this review to help me process my thoughts and feelings about this book. I’d like the next book now, please and thank you. πŸ™‚

Overall, I rate The Gilded Wolves 4 out of 5 bookworms. Don’t just take my word for it! Add it on Goodreads and preorder your copy so you can enjoy it when it’s released on 22 September 2020.

Roshani Chokshi has been an auto-purchase author for me ever since I read The Star-Touched Queen. Her writing style is incredibly immersive. It reminds me of music in that it flows beautifully off the page, creating incredibly vivid mental images. Who are some of your auto-purchase authors and why do you love them?

Opening Chapter 9: September 2020 To Read, To Watch, & To Do

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! Welcome to September. Let’s just jump in because I’m already a little bit late anyway.

To Read

I’m going to stick with my 2020 theme and make this one modest, especially since both of my professors seem super keen to make sure I read nothing but scholarly articles and textbooks from now until December. Anyway, here goes…

To Watch

I have a few DVDs checked out from the library, so I’ll just list a few of those and hope for the best here. Honestly, I feel like I’ll be lucky if I get more than two in but we’ll see.

To Do

  • Work. I’m just hoping to continue presenting the virtual science programs because SCIENCE!
  • School. Hopefully I’ll get caught up to the point where I’ll be able to get ahead a little bit and catch my breath. I feel like I’m perpetually behind and drowning but on fire right now and I’m only a week and a half in so… I’m going to have to figure this one out.
  • Language Learning. I’d like to spend at least 30 minutes a day on each language, but we’ll see how it plays out with things being so far out of balance right now. I just don’t know.
  • Monsters. I’d like to not let them fail at school, which I feel will be so much my fault on account of them being enrolled in virtual school because pandemic.
  • Self care? I need to find a way to self care that isn’t overly time consuming (I don’t really have much free time at all) but also isn’t exercise (I’ve been told I exercise close to too much right now). 😬 Suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!! πŸ–€

Well, that’s it for now, bookworms and dragons. Stay safe and stay healthy. πŸ–€

Closing Chapter 8: August 2020 Wrap Up

Hello there, bookworms and dragons! The end of August has come (and gone–I know I’m just a bit late). Let’s go ahead and wrap this baby up properly so I can kick off September right!

Books I Read

August was a very light book month because it was chaotic and hectic and I just couldn’t find all that much time to read. Honestly, the fact that I read these books is a miracle, though I also managed to read quite a few picture books as well.

  • Dead and Alive by Dean Koontz πŸ›
  • Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

Movies I Watched

I did watch a few movies, though not as many as I thought I might. It was still definitely at least a mostly good movie month.

Other Things I Did

WORK. I’ve started presenting virtual science programs and it is so great! I’m loving being able to science with the kids again and incorporate different books and scientific fields into it!! I’m trying to focus hard on that and the fact that I work with the most amazing and talented people because without those two things………..

SCHOOL. It has begun. I am already drowning and on fire at the same time. It’s totally fine.

Language Learning. This has kind of come to a bit of a standstill while I try to get the rest of my life all balanced out because… There is no balance. I need balance to my chaos.

I completed the MCU Movie Challenge! All 23 films (plus I plan to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse soon because it’s a great movie.) I have to admit that at one point in it, I was ready to give up. I even regretted starting the movie challenge. In the end though I’m kinda glad I watched all of those movies. It’s interesting to see how all of them are entwined and I’m really looking forward to seeing the lineup of new MCU movies that are set to come out over the next few years. Including, of course, the sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse that’s due in 2022. Because yes.

That’s all that I can think of just now. Happy reading, bookworms and dragons. πŸ–€

Opening Chapter 8: August 2020 To Read, To Watch, & To Do

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! It’s August now and I have no idea how we got here. Like… what happened to April? I don’t know but let’s dive into this post so we can start this month off right!

To Read

As seems to be my theme this year, I’m going to keep my to read list modest. I seem to be in a bit of a reading slump so until I can drag myself from it kicking and screaming, I’m not sure I’ll do much reading at all outside of what’s required for work and/or school. Here’s what I’m hoping to read for fun…

To Watch

I’m not sure I’ll watch a lot of movies this month so I’ll keep this list modest as well. I’m still working a bit on completing the MCU Movie Challenge so some of these movies will be for that.

To Do

  • Work. I’m trying to figure out exactly what will be happening with this and just thinking about it is setting my anxiety off like mad so we’re gonna focus on other things until we’re able to control this part, yeah? Yeah.
  • School. My semester starts up closer to the end of this month. I’ve gotten a lot done with my thesis project, but I’d like to do a bit more before classes begin. I also want to do some reading for the classes before they begin because otherwise I’ve found I have trouble finishing all of the assigned readings. Grad school students read A Lot.
  • Language Learning. I want to get more regular about studying both Ilocano and Japanese. I’ve been semi-regular about it, but I’d like to commit to studying both of them every day. I’m going to have to put it into my calendar, but because I’m not sure what’s going to happen with my work right now… I can’t really schedule anything.

What are some things you’re looking forward to this month? Stay safe and stay healthy, bookworms and dragons! πŸ–€

Closing Chapter 7: July 2020 Wrap Up

Hello there, bookworms and dragons! How is it the end of July already? No clue. But let’s wrap this baby up anyway, shall we?

I Read

July has been a bit book light and movie heavy for me so this list is a bit of a short one. This is partially because I’ve started listening to language learning recordings on the way to and from work instead of audiobooks. I’ve mostly been reading physical and digital books this month.

  • Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
  • Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue by Paula Harrison πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›
  • City of Night by Dean Koontz πŸ›πŸ›πŸ› Β½

I Watched

July has definitely been a very movie-heavy month for me! I’m still working on completing the MCU Movie Challenge and this month has seen a fair bit of progress on that. I also got to rewatch one of my favorite series with my monsters. It was their first time watching it, so it was extra special for all of us. Here’s the list of movies I watched this month!

I Did

WORK. Work has been… Well, it’s quite difficult to describe. Stressful and exhausting, for sure. I’m still hoping that some aspects of the job I used to love will reveal themselves at some point in the near future. At least one has–the amazing team of people that I get to call my work family. We’re basically carrying each other through this right now. I could not do it without them. ❀

SCHOOL. I technically finished my class for the semester, but my work isn’t finished. I’ve taken the extra time between classes to work on building my ePortfolio (essentially, a digital thesis) so that I’ll have less to do later on. This is an especially good idea, I think, because I only have two semesters left! 😁

Language Learning. I’ve been doing much better about practicing both Japanese and Ilocano every day, though in different ways. This is largely due to the level of availability of reference material. Japanese has a LOT of reference material, whereas Ilocano has nearly none. Either way, they’re works in progress.

Injury… I pulled a muscle in my back in the last week of July. Which is part of why I didn’t post this wrap up sooner. No worries though. It’s healing nicely and I think within the next week I’ll be back to my regular routine. πŸ™‚

That’s all that I can think of just now. Happy reading, bookworms and dragons. πŸ–€

Challenge: 2020 A to Z Book Challenge

Hey there, bookworms and dragons! I was working through editing some small aspects of my blog this week and noticed it’s been almost two whole years since I participated in any book challenges? I figure the A to Z Challenge is basic enough that I can use the books I’ve already completed this year in an attempt to both catch up and actually participate in a book-related challenge for the first time since 2018.

The A to Z Challenge is relatively straightforward: Read a book that begins with each letter of the alphabet. I’ve seen it done where if the first word of the title is the or a, it can be overlooked for the first letter of the second word and I’m gonna run with that. Links are to the Goodreads page for the book and not my personal reviews since I’ve gotten so horrible about writing them with any amount of regularity. Let’s do this thing!

A: A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramee πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›


C: Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

D: Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

E: The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora by Pablo Cartaya πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

F: The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ› Β½

G: Ghost Squad by Claribel A. Ortega πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

H: Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

I: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ› Β½


K:Β Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue by Paula Harrison πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

L: Lu by Jason Reynolds πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘Ύ

M: Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

N: Nyxia Uprising by Scott Reintgen πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ› Β½


P: Patina by Jason Reynolds πŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘Ύ

Q: The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

R: Race to the Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

S: Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ› Β½

T: Tunnel of Bones by Victoria Schwab πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›



W: When You Know What I Know by Sonja K. Solter πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›




Have you ever done an A to Z Challenge? Do you have any suggestions for the letters I haven’t completed yet? Let’s talk about it in the comments! πŸ™‚